Friday, November 5, 2010

D-Day + 1026 : SAS Operation - Sneaking And Snooping

With the missus in Genting, i alone went on a mission.
There's no need (read: no approval) to infiltrate 'enemy' base. I just need to get behind the enemy line.

" ... a lone guard stood sentinel over the area, constantly talking into his communication set. Wasn't a surprise on the low level of security due to the impending holiday season. This mission should and will be chicken feed... " -- Agent Seven


Point of Entries.

The Breach.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

D-Day + 1021 : Together...

The last time we visited Jade Spring together was in August. And during my last visit in Sept, our blk still wasn't painted, and the planter box wasn't ready as well.

Today, full of hope and agenda, we decided to make a detour before going home to 'claim' our surprises from Ningbo.

A wasted trip, it was not. There she stood, in her white gown and shimmering in the sunlight, a stark contrast from her neighbour whom is still so grey and half-naked.
Blk 442 and Blk 443
Close-up of our unit
Entrance to the estate

Friday, September 10, 2010

D-Day + 970 : The Facade... it's almost there...

On this cloudy and humid day, armed with my canon, i have decided to go take some 'cool' shots en route to the missus's house.

It is quite cool, to be able to take a peek into our nest from the existing blks.  Though just a sneak peek, but still quite cool.

Finally I see some painting works

Would be good if the MSCP has a green roof

There! My service yard!

The wavy roof I quite like.

My promised view...

Envy and envy... 446 facade is almost done.

More envy x 10! Phase II is very very quick!

Blk 452 of phase II.

From the rental flats. White is nice... but does it last?

Whoever the owner, i'm sorry for peeking into your unit.

Riding the flat.

Saving the best for the last : Blk 442!
The roof is there... but where is my planter? And my paint?

Someone else's 4-room units.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

D-Day + 930 : A Walk in the Rain...

A rainy Saturday afternoon. Still, we decided to visit JS as planned. It had been almost 3 months since our last visit and we were sure there were much progress thus we wouldn't want to miss too much.

The light drizzle made the walk a pleasant one... but not so for photo taking as my 550D isn't weatherproof. Here's what I mustered from underneath the brolly.

Jade Spring II. They are completing faster than Phase I

Blks of JS II

Blk 443 of JS I

JS I : Blk 442. Where's my planter box?  

MSCP grabs the fastest progress. Almost done.

Another photo merge.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

D-Day + 831 : Operation Circum Navigate.

Decided to take shots of all possible units before going to my missus's place.
It was kind of 'on-the-way' since I'm getting something from the market, and 804 passes by the area so, might as well.

Damn my luck for hopping on a SMRT bendy with faulty air-con. I felt like i was sitting in a oven but luckily, the journey was short.

Tried as I might, to get a good shot of all the blocks but as work was still on-going, i couldn't gain access into the work site. Could only made do with shots of the out-facing blocks.

B442 Series

B443 Series
(Bracketed by lamp posts)

B445 Series

B449 Series

B450 Series

Not-by-roadside Series
(B448, B451, B452)