Saturday, May 9, 2009

D-Day + 481: With a hope to see more progress...

we decided to catch our lunch at Neighbourhood 4. It was a humid afternoon, thus we took a bus instead of strolling over. After a nice meal of fishball meepok, it is time to witness the progresses of Jade Spring.

Watching the cranes at work while enjoing my lunch.

One of the few coffeeshops in the neighbourhood central.

That's the power of 10x zoom on my Lumix.

Not much changes. But it does seems to me that there are lesser machineries this time round.

The Most Progressive Award goes to the Multi Storey Carpark.

The often forgotten part of the site. Junction of Ave 11 and Ring Road.

The carpark from another angle.

That's where my block will stand. Nothing done at all.


Unknown said...


i have bought a unit in jade spring also... just wondering if u have any updates on the area :)

jojo&lia said...

Hi Yen!

Have not been checking it out lately. just back from overseas.
Which phase did you bought?
Do you Facebook? There's a group on Jade Spring and the members are rather active with updates. Join in @
Or @ Singaporebrides Forum:


Unknown said...


i bought jade spring phase 1.
i walked past jade spring and saw that phase 1 construction is now at building the levels le... i saw level 1 with windows! must check it out!